Program Three
Tuesday, May 20, 1997

Analytical Methods Kansa C/D



J.D. Sgammato, A. DiIorio, and T.C. Crusberg, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Department of Biology and Biotechnology, WPI, Worcester, MA, 01609 A method was developed for the analysis of divalent metal ions in complex media. Research into the bioremediation of metals requires exploratory methods for analyzing those metals in growth media. Atomic absorption spectrophotometry methods require large samples that make it difficult to assess changes over time. Capillary electrophoresis uses small ( <500ul) samples, but growth media often contain concentrations of nutrient cations high enough to interfere with resolution of the metals in question.

A capillary electrophoretic method was developed that analyzes Cu, Ni, Zn, and Au, at concentrations as low as 10 mg/L in nutrient media containing 540 mg/L Na, 270 mg/L K, 50 mg/L Mg, and 27 mg/L Ca. The analysis uses 400uL samples, permitting aliquots to be taken during the course of a shake-flask experiment without introducing volumetric errors. Multiple analyses can be made from the same sample. A sample takes 10 minutes to run, with a 2.5 minute purge and 10-second injection between samples, and is automated, permitting overnight analysis. No special sample preparation was required.

This method is useful for determining rates of metal uptake, optimizing nutritional requirements, microbial growth rates, and the effect of varying environmental factors for metal-sorbing organisms. This method has been applied to research on the copperimmobilizing fungus Penicillium ochro-chloron, supported in part by USEPA Grant #R823341-01-0.

Key words: capillary electrophoresis, transition metals, complex media.

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Tuesday, May 20, 1997

Metals Kansa A

Remediation of Munitions Compounds Kansa B

Analytical Methods Kansa C/D

General Topics Kansa B

Wednesday, May 21, 1997

Metals Kansa A

Zero-Valent Metals Kansa A

Remediation Kansa A

Vegetation-based Remediation Kansa B

Partnerships & Innovative Technologies Kansa C/D

Nonaqueous Phase Liquids Kansa C/D

Thursday, May 22, 1997

Biofilms & Barriers Kansa A

Bioremediation Kansa B

Partnerships & Technology Innovations Kansa C/D

Remediation Kansa C/D


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