Program Three
Wednesday, May 21, 1997

Partnerships and Innovative Technologies Kansa C/D



B.A. Leven, L.E. Erickson, R.B. Hayter, S.C. Grant, and J.P. McDonald, Kansas State University, 101 Ward Hall, Manhattan, KS 66506 64114 The EPA Hazardous Substance Research Centers (HSRCs) provide a national program of basic and applied research, technology transfer, and training. Five multi-university centers, each located in a pair of federal EPA regions, focus on different aspects of hazardous substance management. These centers, representing 29 (total) universities across the country, actively seek partnerships to develop and implement cost-effective environmental cleanup technologies with stakeholders.

The five HSRCs were competitively established and are funded by the Environmental Protection Agency. A variety of funding mechanisms and a flexible organizational structure allow the HSRCs to leverage funds and resources with numerous federal, state, local, and private organizations.

In addition to core research and technology transfer activities, the HSRCs administer three special programs that enhance the technology development and implementation cycle -- Research and Re-education for Displaced Defense (R2D2) personnel, Minority Academic Institutions (MAI, including Native American), and Technical Outreach Services to Communities (TOSC). Advisory committees consisting of representatives from academia, government, and industry ensure funded work serves unique needs and meets high technical standards.

Information presented describes technology development activities and partnering opportunities in the Great Plains/Rocky Mountain region relevant to DoD and other federal facilities.

Key words: development, implementation, partnerships, training, technology

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Tuesday, May 20, 1997

Metals Kansa A

Remediation of Munitions Compounds Kansa B

Analytical Methods Kansa C/D

General Topics Kansa B

Wednesday, May 21, 1997

Metals Kansa A

Zero-Valent Metals Kansa A

Remediation Kansa A

Vegetation-based Remediation Kansa B

Partnerships & Innovative Technologies Kansa C/D

Nonaqueous Phase Liquids Kansa C/D

Thursday, May 22, 1997

Biofilms & Barriers Kansa A

Bioremediation Kansa B

Partnerships & Technology Innovations Kansa C/D

Remediation Kansa C/D


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